Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Baby 3,4&5 - 3 unexpected births

Sam didn't like his fat genes and worked out regularly.

Skye began to work on the challenge again and had heard about a household full of men wanting to be fathers of the 100 baby challenge! This excited Skye incredibly. A man called Greg Kilpatrick greeted Skye and offered to take part in the 100 baby challenge.

Skye decided to buy a hotub to spice the 100 baby challenge up!

Before she knew it they were in bed and the calming lullaby music had sounded!

Greg got on very well with Gavin.

Gavin's Birthday!

Gavin had his dad's hair.

Samson's birthday!

Skye's bump was a bit visible the next day!

As Samson had the kleptomatic trait Skye had asked him to steal some remains from the graveyard so that Skye could possibly have ghost babies! The only thing was Samson also has the coward trait and the second he saw a ghost he fainted!

Skye decided to work out so the baby would be healthy!

Skye found this labour an easy labour and wasnt really in much pain!

After a short labour Skye came out of the hospital with a baby carrier!? was it triplets!?

Baby 3 Emily after Skye's mum.

Baby 4 Eliza,

And baby 6! Emma! Triplets!


  1. Congratulations! I really want to get sims 3!

  2. love your challenge the kids are adorable! :)
